Golden Healer, Citrine, Carnelian, Tangerine and Fire Quartz, Pink Lemurians, Hematoid, Ferruginous or Hematite Inclusions, Iron Oxides… Many of these exotic sounding names are fairly common. they’re all just a fancy word for…

Yep. All those names, based on perhaps the most annoying substance in our world…it eats the frame of your car, makes your beautiful wrought iron furniture bubble and peel, renders that old cast iron skillet unusable, causes your bike chain to bind and squeak, and can even cause tetanus…and yet here it is producing some of the most beautiful color variants in the crystal kingdom. You may have heard it called “Iron Oxide” as well, which is probably the most correct version. It means iron that has been oxidized or exposed to Oxygen. And the result….rust.
Despite its degrading effects in our world…
In the world of crystals, iron oxides produce some of the most beautiful, vivid, and sought-after colors. The red in fire quartz, the bright orange of tangerine quartz and carnelian agate, the subtle tones of golden healer, all produced by different concentrations of this versatile metal ore. If you are concerned about potential health risks, in crystal form the iron is within the crystal, preserving its color and rendering it harmless. In fact, iron oxides are said to enhance the energetic properties of a crystal.

hematite included quartz is often blood-red. There’s a reason for that…
…blood is primarily made of iron. Up to 50% in fact, found in the hemoglobin cells. Blood darkens the longer it is exposed to oxygen, and the same principle applies in the crystalline world. A crystal with a deeper red color simply indicates the iron was oxidized longer before crystallization was complete. And the inclusion of iron in the crystal may be the source of energetic beliefs – often these crystals are considered to aid in empowering and grounding, the fire and strength of life…all things which could also be connected with the life force of iron in our veins.
hematite Inclusions in crystals create some of the most vivid and beautiful colors. In addition, they are believed to enhance the energetic properties. They are crystals of power, life and even love.