“What is Drusy?” Since opening our shop, this has been the most commonly asked question….

And I’m not surprised. It’s not a word you run into every day. Simply put (and according to Merriam webster), Drusy means “covered in tiny crystals”. In short, and especially when used in today’s vernacular, it means ✨sparkle✨.
No doubt you will also notice there are different spellings. They’re all the same.
However, purists will be interested to note that the original form of the word comes from the German “drusen” (or singular “Druse”), which means Geode – a hollow rock lined with tiny crystals. All other forms are simply variations – Druzy, Druze, drusy, Drusies, droose. All the same.

Although the spelling is less important, the word is actually misused. Quite a lot.
Recently, crystals have exploded on the internet. And along with it many influencers and sellers who are less educated about rocks and minerals. It seems that “Drusy” is now used to refer to any crystalline structure that is sparkly and shiny – large clusters that shine in the sun will be advertised as a druzy crystal. While it may not necessarily matter, it is something the older mineral crowd may scoff at a bit. The original meaning of “drusy” refers to TINY crystals – a micro-coating, if you will, and more commonly seen in chalcedony. Larger crystalline formations, such as those seen in agates and amethyst are more correctly referred to as, simply, Crystals!