How to Decode the Meaning of the Merkabah

With deep roots in both Sacred Geometry and Christianity, the Merkabah has become a powerful symbol within spiritual practices.

If you’ve followed us for any amount of time, you’re no doubt familiar with the Double Merkabah. And now, we’ve finally welcomed the Merkabah to the shop. And it’s about time we offered some explanation…what are these shapes, and what do they mean?

What is the Merkabah?

The Merkabah is an 8-pointed star symbol composed of two intersecting tetrahedron (3-d triangles with 4 points each). One points up towards the Heavens, while the other points down to the earth. From this composition, we can begin to understand it’s meaning. 

What does the Merkabah mean?

The origins of the word “merkabah” (or “Merkavah”) lies in the Hebrew language. It is literally translated as “thing to ride in” or “chariot”. Early Hebrew texts refer to this shape as a chariot ascending to God’s throne, depicted in Ezekial’s vision. 

Further, the word “Merkabah” is composed of three parts: “Mer” meaning light, “Ka” referring to the spirit, and “bah” referring to the body. This shape refers to the “light spirit body”, which is the vehicle of our souls, or chariot. Therefore, it represents ascension – the process of the human mind and body connecting or ascending with its spiritual body.

What about the Double Merkabah?

My personal favorite is the Double Merkabah (also known as the Stellated Dodecahedron), a 12-pointed star. This shape is based on the 12-faced dodecahedron; by adding a 5-sided pyramid to each face we have now “stellated” the dodecahedron into the 12- pointed Double Merkabah star. It can also be understood as three intersecting tetrahedron (+1 from the Merkabah)

What does the Double Merkabah Symbolize?

This is a little harder to decode, as there is less information written on this shape. However, according to my research, the double Merkabah represents Divine Perfection. like the dodecahedron it is built on, it holds within it the coding of all the other platonic solids. it is a symbol of completion and unity.

Is there a difference between the Merkabah and Double Merkabah?

The 8-pointed Merkabah is made from two tetrahedron and represents the ascension of humanity. The 12-pointed Double Merkabah incorporates a third tetrahedron, and along with it a third element – Godliness. In spiritual and Christian traditions, humanity (the spirit light body) has the potential to ascend, assisted by the Divine. Therefore this shape represents the ascension of humanity and unity with the Divine – Divine Perfection!

In Conclusion…

Merkabah and Double Merkabah shapes are beautiful representations of human spirituality and our divine potential. Both shapes are rooted in ancient traditions and widely used in Sacred Geometry. Since I have a crystal shop I may be biased, but I’ve found that when these shapes are carved from crystal, especially quartz, they hold particularly potent energy and meaning.

What are your experiences with Merkabah or Double Merkabah? Let us know below! 👇

Looking for Merkabah or Double Merkabah Crystals? Our stock is always changing; check our current inventory HERE

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Additional Information:

If you’d like to learn more, here are some of my favorite resources about Merkabah/Double Merkabah:

Wikipedia: Merkabah Mysticism
Merkabah Meaning
Wikipedia: Stellated Dodecahedron
Stellations – Sacred Geometry
Ascension Now: Stellated Dodecahedron
Meaning of OhAhOm

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